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Prop - Dynamic Balance

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Dec 31, 2013
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I went to Sensenich Prop Services at KLNS to get my Dakota prop dynamic balance because I felt that it vibrated more than the warrior I owned and would be good to get it checked.

The readings were at 1.14(I think that's what he said because I thought ideally it was below 0.1)and shifting so the shop tried for couple of hours and were unable to balance the prop as the readings were shifting each time and they couldn't chase it. They said it's out of limit and varying for them to be able to balance it. Prop has 1300 hours since overhaul in 1999. The team there was very helpful and friendly.

So I am in for a prop overhaul. Left the plane there and rented a car to drive 2 HR back home. Just wanted to get it done with instead of making another trip and have someone chase me in second plane to bring me back home.

Overhaul $2175 plus Dynamic Balance $250. Should be ready by Monday if not this Saturday. Hope that solves it.
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