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Plugging in planes...

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Oct 28, 2011
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It's 18 this morning here in Nashville. I was explaining to a non-flying friend how a pilot would want to plug in their plane for a few hours to pre heat the oil and maybe throw a blanket over the cowling, if they were going flying today.

Their reply was "...makes sense", but then asked "so what's the difference between needing to plug in a plane, and not a car?". I know the lubrication system can be different tween a plane vs car, but beyond that the only explanation I could offer was maybe it could be because cars are run a lot more frequently than planes. And, is the lubrication system THAT much different, I mean the oil is basically kept in a sump and has to lubricate from the top down.

I was stationed in Grand Forks ND for 10 years, and we always left cars & trucks plugged in during the winter...a good 20' extension cord was worth it's weight in gold up there. Of course we typically had temps ranging from -20 to 32, and 32 was considered a warm day.

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