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Oil temp sender

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user 19452

Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2018
Reaction score
My ‘64 Cherokee 180 had a oil temp sender that was leaking a bit. So we pulled it off and my mechanic said there are three crush washers stacked up under the sender. So after some investigation we found that someone put a different sender in the plane from like a Beechcraft or something. The number stamped on it was 362-CR

I called Airparts of Lockhaven and spoke to a guy there that sounded very knowledgeable about it and he told me that the old sender was discontinued and I need a new Rochester sender. He also said I had to send in my gauge to have it calibrated to the new sender. So I did just that. They sent me a back my gauge with a new face and a new sending unit. My mechanic installed it and then I went to fly the plane and the needle is pegged to the high side.

it cost me like $370.00 bucks and now it seems to not be working. I have searched on here and found some threads that talk about it but some of the links are broken in those threads and I never saw where anyone had sent in the gauge for calibration. So I’m looking for any info you can give me.

here is a picture of my original gauge after it was returned and reinstalled

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