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Ferry Permit - II -

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Well-Known Member
May 22, 2017
Reaction score
I didn't want to hijack the other thread in similar subject so here's my specific situation:

- I've found a PA 38-112 (Tomahawk) in the state of GA I'd like to purchase but unfortunately I am in CA...

- Owner had an annual performed on this plane on October 2022 and everything was OK including all the ADs etc.

- Then he flew approx 2,5 hrs in October 2022 and a week after that he had a heart attack.

- Naturally plane was not flown after that & since November 1st, 2023 plane is out of Annual and the owner lost his medical.

- Is it possible to get a ferry permit for that plane for me to fly it to CA so the annual could be performed by my Tomahawk expert mechanic could do the job?

OR; Does a ferry permit only could be obtained for the plane to be flown to the nearest possible airport where an annual could be performed?

Note: The ADs for PA38-112 are all hrs related and since the plane only flown 2,5 hrs after its last annual there will be no any new additional AD due. So that will not be an issue.
So, if a mechanic performs a safety check the plane and signs of airworthiness of it, will that be enough to fly it from that out of nowhere airport?

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