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Newbie...May Buy a Cherokee 6 - Need Advice

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Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2013
Reaction score
Hello members...this is my first post here! I am active on the POA and Cirrus websites.

I have been wracking my brain trying to figure out what to buy, ending up focusing on Cirrus SR22 or Cessna 182.

That is until I started researching the Cherokee 6 series. Now I'm thinking this is the plane for me, and I want to learn as much as I can, FAST.

What I like:
* Incredible load / roominess
* Slow stall speed (47 knots?)...meaning emergency landings would be shorter (less need for the Cirrus parachute)
* Price...seems like $125K buys a decent one and $175K buys an even better one with some glass

The only downside I can see is cruise speed (don't care for my missions) and fuel consumption (similar to a Cirrus SR22, but the Cirrus goes 160- 189 knots).

Am I missing anything? How can I learn as much as I can as fast as I can about the 6 / Saratoga? Any recommended links or threads on this site?

Thanks, all!

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