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New starter or just cold?

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Well-Known Member
Apr 8, 2010
Reaction score
Back in March my starter spun but didn't engage once, i let it spin down then tried again and it worked. Got back to my A&P he lubed the bendix and no problems until yesterday. It was a warm and fuzzy 11degF but my A&P said he didn't think it got below 40 in the hangar. we are headed for -4F this week. When I got the plane pulled out of the hangar the starter wouldn't engage, battery seemed a little weak so I tried jump starting it, nothing. So I pulled it back in the hangar and took a space header and propped it up against the starter and went and had lunch, when I returned, it fired right up. No. 1 lesson is preheat, my A&P told me to call him an hour before I head to the hangar and he'd preheat it for me. But, I'm just wondering is a new starter on the horizon or is it normal for a starter to not engage in cold weather?

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