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NARCO MK12D Intermittent Transmit Problems:

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Nov 30, 2023
Reaction score
Lakeland FL
Hello all, new to the forum.
Read as much as I could without posting my own issue but none is quite like mine.. frustrated šŸ˜•

Have 2 MK12D for Com1 & Com2.
PMA6000M-C audio panel.

Recently having ā€œbroken and unreadableā€ transmit issues on com1, from what seems to be at specific towered airports.

We never use Com2 because it always has static since we bought the plane a few months ago.
(I plan to try transmitting from Com2 and receive on Com1 next flight, maybe it solves a temp fix)

At KSPG, KORL, and KFXE, transmissions on ground ONLY have been broken unreadable.

Flying into these places and taxiing have been fine. Return to plane, start up, and itā€™s broken unreadable. So I pull out handheld.

Two flights ago at FXE, I had to use handheld from startup until airborne, with copilot switching back to Com1 after 500ft or so.

Com1 works in the air 99% of the time.. only seems to act up (recently) on the ground.

Volts and ammeter check good after startup while experiencing these issues.

We swapped antennas, reseated and flipped radio spots, while troubleshooting in our hangar and could not recreate the issue..

We always call radio check from untowered field after startup and yesterday got 5/5 on feedback.

Tried a new towered airport yesterday and controller said it was decent, with some squealing while transmitting but NOT broken or unreadable.

We DID NOT find any signs of corrosion on antenna, Coax cables, or the rear of the radios.

Itā€™s definitely frustrating trying to solve this issue and asking around. Talked to local avionics shop today and they said not sure but will service for minimum of 1hr @ 150$.

Any thoughts on this issue?

Thanks in advance yall.

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