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New Interior, what gives

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Well-Known Member
Apr 8, 2010
Reaction score
I looked at SCS and Airtex solutions and, there's a guy here in MSO that does aircraft interiors. Im not real concerned about looking great,fancy or anything (sorta like what i already have).My carpet is disappearing and the cardboard or whatever behind the side panels seems to be deteriorating. So, I though airtex was a good solution (Looking at ~1300 for a DIY solution from airtex). Then for S&G's I called up the local upholstery shop, for new carpet and side panels (leaving the seats and headliner alone) He told me I was looking at around 400 bucks? :shock: He comes recommend from the guys at the airport, has the burn certs etc... Said his carpet was of better quality that airtex. You guys smell anything? I did tell him, nothing fancy just need new material since the old seems to be shedding.



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