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Help! - Electrical Problem

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Well-Known Member
Mar 1, 2011
Reaction score
Many of y'all have been aircraft owners and pilots longer than I have been alive, so I am hoping someone might have an answer for me. I will try to describe the problem as accurately as possible.

I have a 1964 Cherokee 140. It has a 5 amp fuse that runs my overhead map light, my fuel gauges, and the backlights behind my instruments. If the plane is not running, everything works great. I can flip as many switches as I want, play with the gps, radio, etc and everything works perfectly. However, as soon as I start the engine, the fuse is blown rendering the referenced lights and instruments useless. I have pulled the fuse prior to starting and reinstalled afterwards and it works fine for a little while, then it is blows again. I have also tried a 10 amp and have had the same results, it just last a little longer before blowing.

I always make sure all instruments, lights, etc are off before starting the plane.

Any idea where/what to check before I start chasing wires all over the cockpit?

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