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Getting my Comanche out of the 60's

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Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2015
Reaction score
Well it's time to bring my 1965 Comanche 260 into the modern era. I am currently working on my instrument rating and want my plane to be a safe and capable IFR platform. So the other day I went and sat down with Ron Keil who will be doing my avionics and went spent well over 2 hours coming up with a plan to fit my needs and also fit into my budget.

First and foremost is scrapping the current shotgun panel and getting a traditional 6 pack. This is coming by way of a new panel from Ron and Johns Comanche service STC panel. While at it we are going to move a few other things to make the panel as a whole more user friendly. Next is removing a bunch of dead weight in the loran, ADF, RMI, old audio panel, and add on intercom that leaves wires running all over the cabin. The new radio stack will include a Garmin 340 audio panel and putting headset jacks in at all 4 seating locations, going to put the rear ones where the ashtrays currently are. Next I am going to keep the kx155 with its glide slope CDI for my #2 and put a Garmin GTN 635 with a King CDI as the number 1. I was hoping to also install a Garmin 345 transponder to complete the ADSB package but that doesn't fit the budget this year so will keep the current transponder until next year and the slide in the new transponder, still well ahead of the mandate. So here is my old panel that I will say goodbye about mid May if everything goes according to plan


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