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Gascolator Replacement?

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Well-Known Member
Feb 17, 2011
Reaction score
Here' the deal. I have a small leak somewhere near the top of the 'gascolator', just inside the firewall of my Warrior. The fuel lines in & out look fine & dry. Is this component a gascolator only, and not any type of fuel pump? It has the sump drain angled out from the bottom of the bowl. There is a small line(primer supply?) out the top back toward the dash. The leak looks near the top but not at any fitting for a fuel line.

I need to get this small leak fixed. This looks like an original component on this 1974 aircraft. I see a guy can buy a new gascolator for about $220 from Aircraft Spruce & a few other sources. They say they fit right in the factory Piper brackets.

I'm away from home for a few days so I can't compare web pictures to whats on the aircraft. I was looking at the SA3-00 replacement. What do you think of getting a new one over trying to replace seals/gaskets in the original one? I'm not trying to throw $$ at this, but don't want to revisit the issue. I also could involve an A&P mechanic.

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