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Garmin GFC 500 Autopilot in Arrow and 235/Dakota Models

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Well-Known Member
May 5, 2015
Reaction score
I suspect that I am not the only Arrow owner interested in upgrading to a Garmin GFC 500 autopilot. In my case, our Arrow IV (PA-28RT-201) has a legacy Autocontrol IIIB single axis AP that works OK, but the increased functionality of a modern digital, 2-axis AP like the GFC 500, particularly with dual G5 instruments and when connected to our GTN 650, is super appealing.

Until recently Garmin was indicating that they were working on an STC for the GFC 500 for "PA-28s," and that it should be available within the next few months. Today, however, I happened to note on their website (https://buy.garmin.com/en-US/US/p/604257#additional) a list of current and projected STC efforts. Under "GFC 500 Certification Programs Currently In-progress" the list includes PA-28-150, -160, -161, -180, and -181. No mention of any PA-28R (Arrow) or -135/136 models. What's more, the list of models for which STC work is expected to begin within the next 12 months also does not include them.

It is hard for me to believe that Garmin would not include the relatively popular Arrow and 235/Dakota models in the STC list for the GFC 500, but it's also hard to imagine that the marketing folks who put the list on their website would leave them off by accident. I have sent an email to Garmin Aviation Sales ([email protected]) asking for clarification for the Arrow specifically, and I will report any info they provide in response. In the meantime I urge Arrow and 235/Dakota owners (and PA-28-140 owners for that matter) who are interested in the GFC 500 to send an email to that address to inform Garmin of your interest.

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