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Dogs around 1400 rpm

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Well-Known Member
Apr 19, 2014
Reaction score
Bought a 98 Archer 3 a couple months ago. It wasn't being flown much for the previous 2 years. (Once every other month or so.) Just had the annual done, (so that it would be ready for my check ride end of the month) and although it runs a LOT better (climbs like crazy) it still dogs if you pass the throttle through 1300-1500 too quickly. For example, on take off roll, and especially when trying to go back to full power from a power-off stall. Before I take it back to the mechanic and squawk at him, I was hoping to have some understanding of what the problem is. It makes me nervous, as I've even had one instance where I had to take the throttle back down below 1300 and then bring it back up slower than before. (This is why I do these maneuvers within gliding distance of the airfield!)

Thanks in advance for any words of wisdom tossed my way!

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