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Cabin size

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New Member
Nov 27, 2011
Reaction score
Hi Guys,

I have a quick question about cabin size. I learned to fly in a warrior II. I noticed that the size of the cabin was manageable for a guy my size. (I'm 6'7"). When working on my commercial I flew in an arrorw III and an arrow IV. The arrow more than ample room.

Over the last few months I've been thinking about buying an archer II or III. I figured that a little extra power and a fixed gear and prop would help me save on maintenance. With this in mind I went to go and fly an archer III the other day. I preflighted the aircraft but when I got in the cockpit I noticed the headroom was not very good. My head was touching the top of the cabin. What was worse was I went to do a flight control check and there was no way possible for me to move the yoke left. It hit my knee after about 5 degrees of turn on the yoke. I've never had this problem before. I had to obviously cancel the flight because of the problem. With this in mind I was curious, are the cabins different from a warrior to an archer? I didn't think they were. I did notice the new archer has some very plush leather seats that seem to be elevated more than the seats in the older pipers that basically sit on the floor. Is this the difference?

And yes, I had the seat all the way back and down.

Thanks for the help in advance!

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