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Windmills Anywhere They Want

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Staff member
Apr 12, 2010
Reaction score
These ugly monstrosities can soon be infringing in your state. This may be happening in Illinois. Help Illinois out and click on some links and paste this attached message.


SB1726 is an Illinois Senate bill that is currently stalled in the Transportation committee. It would require windmill setback from all airports in IL. Currently the restriction is for airports near a metropolitan area or with 20 or more regularly based aircraft. Without this legislation, a county board in this state could approve windmill placement right next to any small existing airport, private or otherwise which could force it to close.

If you support this idea, could you please write those on the committee a note or even copy/paste the one below and email to each member on the committee?

The email addresses are to most all of the committee members that will decide on SB1726 to add all airports to the existing law requiring a setback for windmills. Until this committee votes yes on this bill it will not be heard on the Senate floor.

If you would like to help show your support, please send each a message such as the following.

Please support SB1726 to protect over 600 airports in our state that would be forced to close due to windmill placement. These IDOT approved airstrips are privately owned maintained. They not only promote the small general aviation community in our state but provide a valuable service as emergency landing areas for aircraft in distress. This would have minimal effect on the windmill industry and in return save small, approved and established airports in our state. Please vote YES on SB1726!

You can copy paste the email addresses below to one email or send them independently.

[email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]

Chairperson : Martin A. Sandoval [email protected]
Vice-Chairperson : Toi W. Hutchinson [email protected]
Member: Emil Jones, III [email protected]
Member: David Koehler [email protected]
Member: Edward D. Maloney [email protected]
Member: John M. Sullivan [email protected]
Member: A. J. Wilhelmi [email protected]
Minority Spokesperson : Larry K. Bomke [email protected]
Member: Darin M. LaHood (no email address) 309-693-4921
Member: Wm. Sam McCann (no email address) 217.782.2000
Member: John J. Millner [email protected]

Please feel free to pass this along to anyone you think may like to help.

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