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Travel maintenance items

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Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2013
Reaction score
As a new owner of a PA-28-161 Warrior. I am soliciting suggestions for preventative maintenance items. While, I know to leave some flexibility in my travel plans, but both I and my wife have job schedules that prevent adding five days to a trip. Specifically, I am looking for those items that will leave me stuck at my destination airport, waiting for parts and at the mercy of an FBO or A&P that I do not know. One item that comes to my mind is servicing the mechanical fuel pump. Another is the magneto. It doesn't take long to swap out, if you have the part. Is it silly to carry a spare magneto? What about a spare inner tube? I know that life happens but I would like to do what I can to keep unexpected unpleasantries to a minimum, and when things do go bad that I am able to deal with them quickly.

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