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Stuck right brake

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Lifetime Supporting Member
Lifetime Supporting
Jul 21, 2016
Reaction score
The right brake will randomly get stuck engaged with use of hand brake or P / CP pedal.

Troubleshooting so far...

  1. Cleaned brake and piston and put antiseize on pins - stills locks with all;
  2. Bypassed Co-Pilot master cylinder - still freezes with either Hand or Pilot brake;
  3. Bypassed Pilot master cylinder - could not get it to freeze with hand brake (CP still out of system);
  4. Removed Pilot master cylinder, disassembled, and verified it had recently been rebuilt. Everything looked ok. Completely disassembled just in case, cleaned everything, reassembled and reinstalled - brake locked up with CP brake pedal.

Note: Wiggling brake pedals get it to release. Also opening bleed screw releases brake.

Went home for the day....

Could the Hand Brake Master Cylinder cause a stuck brake only on one side? It's not a shuttle valve right?

Anyone experience this?
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