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Strange experience at the security check

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PA-28 Pilot
Jul 3, 2011
Reaction score

experienced the following a few days ago as I had invited some friends for a flight. Thought I should share it with you :D .

As I am based at an international airport in Germany we always have to go through the security check before getting on the secured area of the airfield. I fly there since I started flying more than one year ago, never had problems getting through the security.
On this day it had 30°C which are around 86 °F and we had planned a four hour trip. Therefore all of us took some water with us in the bags. But due to some reason this time the security personnel denied us to go to the plane, unless we remove the water bottles from our bags. I asked them if they were serious about that and showed them my license but they didn't change their attitude. The only way for us to fly with our drinks was to place it into the cargo hold, the police officer told us. But as we had no regular pax baggage he told us that he didn't trust us and we had to remove the bottles from the bags to enter the apron area. Of course we did that as we didn't want to discuss any longer. I then decided to shorten the trip and land earlier. Another possiblity would have been to land on an uncontrolled airfield and go to the next supermarket to buy some drinks. But I didn't find it worth to pay extra for an additional landing just to buy some drinks :mrgreen: .

Is the security personnel in the US also that strange sometimes? :lol:

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