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STOL in a Cherokee

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Well-Known Member
Apr 8, 2010
Reaction score
Any relatively inexpensive modifications to help me get off the ground faster for the Cherokee that are worth it, VG's come to mind. With a passenger and full tanks Im not getting off the ground as fast as I would like around here when the DA is up. Whats worth it and whats not? I know 6K wheel pants isnt going to happen and 1500 for Vortex Generators is pushing it. Thinking about wing tips and Vortex Generators? Which ones offer more bang for your buck? I'd also like to get rid of the aileron weight hole so wing tips might come first. Some Cherokee guys I talked to at the Arlington flyin said they didnt cut the hole when they needed to because they never needed full deflection anyway, something about an aileron weight banging on a wing tip and not getting full deflection bothers me for some reason.

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