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Sigh...spark plugs...what to buy...

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Aug 21, 2010
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Y'know, just once I'd like a slam-dunk answer to a "what to buy" question. I don't think this is going to be the time, though.

My bird's in for its annual, and my mechanic has declared the spark plugs in need of replacement. The current plugs are Autolite UREM37BY's. I did an annual on the plane last year right after I took possession, and this is my second. Both times, the plugs had a fair bit of lead down in the base. With the BYs large central insulator, that apparently hasn't been a problem for me; I've never noticed issues with ignition.

So...should I stick with the tried-and-true 37BY's, or should I venture into the great unknown and try the fine wires?

I thought this[/url:3ob5g5eg] was an interesting post.

Has anyone run fine wires in an O360 for a year and had a chance to compare them to their old plugs (especially if the old ones were the 37BYs)?

Anyone using Tempest fine wires?


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