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Seat Weight Limit?

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Well-Known Member
Apr 27, 2010
Reaction score
A friend just asked an interesting question.

While doing W & B for a PA 28-151 he noticed that the Front Seat ( Pilot & Pax) Loading Graph Line stopped at 420 lbs.

His question is; "Is it a LIMIT"?

My thought is it is NOT as areas that are limited such as a Baggage Comp will generally be placarded.

Also you are NOT required to use that method of calculating W & B.

While I'm quite sure Design Requirements for seats have changed at this time I have NOT heard of any limits.

Pre MacDonalds, BK, folks did not weigh as much per FAR.

If it is a LIMIT 2 people each weighing 215 would be over.

1 person & 220 would exceed the "Seat Limit"?

Anyone else have a comment?

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