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Well-Known Member
Jan 15, 2011
Reaction score
Its getting to be that time of year for me to think about preheating. I made a white gas preheater out of duct and my msr camp stove last year, and it works, but id only rather use that in a last case situation.


So, I bought a 4x5 150watt heating pad and stuck it on the oil sump last night. I also plan on putting a ceramic heater in the engine compartment on bottom, and one in the cabin(750watts x 2), and wrap the cowl with an emergency blanket that ive fitted with grommets in strategic locations to bungee it securely. Ill power these by a honda eu2000i generator. Im hopeful that when its around zero it will get it ready in about an hour. Enough time to get rid of the snow on and around the plane and warm myself for a bit.
I went this route because the pad was 25$, and the heaters $15 apiece. My fbo wants $50 for a preheat, or $10 to use their electricity, each time. I figure Ill drive straight to my airplane, snowblower in tow if need be, and get it done myself.
Oh yeah, I saved my rv antifreeze last year and will reuse it with a mixture of rubbing alcohol in a garden sprayer for deicer. Works great.

Anyone see any issues with my preheating setup using a generator, the heating pad, and the heaters?

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