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Piper LSA is cancelled

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Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2010
Reaction score
I noted a news item that probably many of you have regarding Piper canelling an agreement to distribute the Czech LSA under the Piper flag, saying but Piper today cited “differences in business philosophies” as the reason. My interpretation of this is that it compliments the Czechs though it probably isn't really good news for the 70 or so purchasers of the Piper LSA. I assume that another more capable company will pick up the agreement or some variation and continue to market the plane. Anyone here want to persue a business opportunity in marketing aircraft? Somehow it would seem to make sense if you can somehow pry the claws of the FAA off the thing enough to operate under experimental rules. The Czechs have proven themselves to be very capable aircraft designers and manufacturers in the past so I would have quite a bit of confidence in the plane itself unless Piper and the FAA have succeeded in messing it up too much.

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