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Piper Aztec Longnose Conversion

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New Member
Jun 21, 2011
Reaction score
Hello All,

New to this forum and am truly hoping someone can help out!

I'm in the process of snagging a 60 Aztec that has a long nose STC installed (SA280SW) that requires a Flight Manual Supplement, specific to Weight and Balance. Unfortunately, through the years, the Flight manual supplement has been misplaced and as such, I'm left with some Weight and Balance concerns. I've gone to the FAA and they will not release the AFM supplement, due to it being "proprietary". The STC owner, Tulsa Airmotive Inc, is no longer in existence and it's common belief that the business owner is now deceased.

SO...here I am hoping that someone out there will have this STC installed and be able to hook me up with the AFM supplements. I'm confident that the W&B has been adjusted to meet the "B" model specifications, but without that supplement, I've no way of being sure.

Thanks in advance


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