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Piper Auto Parts

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Senior Member
Apr 14, 2010
Reaction score
I recently ordered an interior door handle for a clients '68 180 Arrow, I initially looked around antique auto parts sites on the net but decided to do it the right way. I received a box from UPS this AM and when I opened it, I was quite pi$$ed. The box has the Piper sticker stating "Genuine Piper Part", however, on the same box there are two more stickers stating that the box contains an interior door handle for a '64-65 Mustang (and not the airplane), and yet another sticker with the "Mac's Antique Auto Parts" logo and part number. I googled the Mac's website and there it was, my newly aquired Piper Part for $11.95 less tax and freight. What really chapped me the worst is that my Piper distributor marked the part up 175% to $31.82, not to mention that this part is made in Tiawan....... Let me get off of my soap box now.... It is no wonder folks are using automotive and unapproved parts on airplanes.

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