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PA34-200T Questions

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New Member
Jun 18, 2013
Reaction score
After flying several Piper singles, in a few weeks I'll be flying a Piper twin for the first time (the Seneca). Although this is not my first twin (I did quite some flying on the Beech Baron and Cessna 310), this is the first one with turbocharged engines. Definitely looking forward to it.

Anyway, while I was reading the manual I came across some things that were unclear to me. Most things have something to do with the turbocharged engines. Maybe someone here can help me out. Here we go:

1) From the power plant limitations section: The engines are rated at 200 HP at sea level and 215 HP at 12,000 ft. Why is this?

2) This might have something to do with no 1. In the normal procedures section, it says "At altitudes below 12,000 feet, normal takeoffs are made with less than full throttle - use throttle only as required to obtain 40 in. Hg. manifold pressure. DO NOT EXCEED 40 IN. HG. MANIFOLD PRESSURE." Why?

3) From the limitations section: "Avoid continuous operation between 2000 and 2200 RPM above 32 IN. HG. manifold pressure." and "Avoid continuous ground operation between 1700 and 2100 RPM in cross and tail winds over 10 knots". Why is this?

4) From the fuel limitations section: "The unusable fuel in this aircraft has been determined as 2.5 gallons in each wing in critical flight attitudes." What is meant by "critical flight attitudes"?

Thanks in advance for any help!

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