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PA32 purchase questions...

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Piper Cherokee 6 of Piper Saratoga FG

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Junior Member
Mar 20, 2016
Reaction score
Couple of quick questions from PA32 owners or people that know. What is the actual cabin height on the front seats. The POH doesn't say and i keep seeing two different numbers. I know that the width is 49", but the height is listed at either 49" or 42.5". I'm hoping it's 49, the 42.5 is the same as my old archer, which is where the mistakes make be coming from??
Saratoga vs Six. I know that this has been discussed so many times online, and i've read most of them. I just need a quick summary from experienced users. This is how i see it researching information online:
PA-32-300 (non turbo)
Shorter takeoff roll
more useful load
no dual mag on the engine
cheaper to buy (not so much anymore)
Looks a little dated with the Hershey wings (my opinion)
4 tanks vs "2" in most models
less glide ratio (i think)
in general older planes

am i close on this? I sold my archer 2 a while back and wanted to go the 205/206 route but i keep getting pulled into the Piper Products

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