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PA-28-140 expected cruise speed

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Mountain Pilot

Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2010
Reaction score
Up to now majority of my recent Cherokee flying has been in the local area, but preparing for some Fall X-Country flights I took it up yesterday to get some expected cruise speed values.


It is a 1966 Cherokee 140, Aircraft has 2,000 hrs on the engine, VG's, Flap & Aileron Seals, Main wheel pants removed but nose pant on ( main pants out for repair ), and Madras Wing Tips. The aircraft weight is on the "fat side" ( so am I ) so it is closer to a "Book" value of two persons.

It was at 9,000 ft at 15dec C, fuel at 36 gal, one person aboard, Zero wind at altitude ( strange for here ) Used GPS, also DME and TAS to cross check and at leaned full throttle ( about 70% power ) I was getting 129 MPH ( 112 knots )

This is just about what the "book" value is.

This is the first time that I remember an aircraft I have has flown and matched the "book" values, usually I am about 10% lower.

Is this a fluke or is the tables supplied by Piper that accurate? :roll:

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