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Owner assisted annual

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Well-Known Member
Apr 8, 2010
Reaction score
My annual is due in July, My A&P/IA works on a lot of the fire fighting rigs around here and for me and him annual time couldn't come at a worse month, I wanna be flying, he is swamped with shop work. I think he would actually prefer it if I did all I can legally do to help out with the annual. So, I'm a pretty mechanical guy, Know my way around a tool and die/metal fabrication shop, have rebuild engines from a weed eater to a Toyota truck and everything in between, so i'm not scared of a wrench. Just wondering what I should expect to be able to do and maybe to a little research on how to do it, like torque settings etc... if I need to worry about that type of thing? Also, I think next year I'm just going to bite the bullet and do my annual early in like march or April so I don't have to be down during one of the 2 or 3 months the weather is consistently nice in MT. (IT HAS RAINED STEADY HERE NEARLY EVERY DAY SINCE MARCH, AGGGGGGGGGGGGGH)

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