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Active Member
Oct 10, 2012
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Hi I am new to this forum but have been lurking for a while, I am a recent partner in a 1972 Cherokee Cruiser PA28-140 it is in need of an annual to be airworthy, we have it hangered at Washington PA airport KAFJ, the cowling and inspection plates all have been removed and is ready fopr the inspection. My question to the forum is Does anyone know anyone in the area that can do the inspection??? The group said they "have a guy" but the plane has been in peices for 3 mos now and I wanna get in the air soon as I'm trying to finish up my commercial rating and would like to finish it in my plane as I would save about 1,000. over renting Thanks in advance for your help ROB 412-818-2207 feel free to call or pass my # to someone that might be able to help.
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