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overhead trim crank

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New Member
Jul 7, 2012
Reaction score
Hello all. I'm a new fellow here, but the plane I now own has been the topic of many discussions on this site for a few years...which has been quite a blast to read about.

I bought N5700W, 1962 Cherokee 150B from BartMC back in July of last year. I've put around 60+ enjoyable hours on it since then and it helped me earn my instrument rating. I finally got her in an old T-hangar at KMQY in December, made it through an owner assist annual with no big surprises and without having to listen to Dave Ramsey, and am currently working on replacing the headliner and having shoulder harnesses installed. I'm trying to replace the headliner myself using the airtex pre-cut material. I haven't bought it yet. I've already started having fun with the removal of the old headliner, fooling with MEK alternative, a vapor respirator, and changing nitrile gloves every five minutes to get about an inch worth of progress on the removal of the ancient adhesive residue.

All I really want to know right now is...does anyone know how to remove the overhead trim crank? All that MEK alternative might be impairing my ability to "read good" because I just can't tell from the instructions or illustration in the maintenance manual what is keeping it on there.

Any comments/tips/suggestions/warnings/last wills on the headliner replacement would also be much appreciated.

Thanks all!

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