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Odd indentation in bottom cowl of 235

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Apr 13, 2010
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As this photo indicates, my 1964 PA-28-235 has developed an indentation on the right front bottom cowl. I had this cowl re-painted maybe 6 months ago and it was not there. I flew the plane yesterday and noticed that the dented area was hot to the touch...but no bubbling of paint.

I have my IA scheduled to look at i this week, but need to know this specific answer: Do 1964 235's with Lycoming 0-540 usually have any insulation blankets inside the engine compartment on top or bottom cowl? I seem to remember some sort of fiberglass insulation blanket when I bought it in 2007, but neither top or bottom cowl has any insulation on inside. I am starting to believe that somewhere along the line, some mechanic took this insulation out and forgot to put it back.

So question is: Does this engine compartment have insulation installed from the factory, and could not having that insulation have caused this part of my cowl to overheat and deform?


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