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Ice runway take off

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Well-Known Member
Jan 30, 2011
Reaction score
Would anyone have experience in a PA32-300 taking off from an Ice Runway on a lake? I figured a modified short field technique would be best and I wouldn't be able to use brakes for an initial runup. What I planned to first practice from my home field CYTS was 10D flaps before the take-off roll, keep the nose down (level) then 20D flaps at 40mph and pulling back at 60mph into ground effect up to 95mph before climbing out. Drop flaps to 10D at 100' and 25/25 power setting; zero flaps at 500'. Should be able to count on excellent performance with -10 to -20celcius and 300' elevation. Lots of guys fly to Loon Lodge in Temagami for lunch in Cessnas and at least one Bonanza.

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