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Hello from Alabama

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New Member
Sep 24, 2015
Reaction score
I'd like to say hello to the Piper Forum family;

While I've been snooping around for quite some time, I've decided to register so I can get more involved and get some opinions from everyone. I'm a new pilot and have recently earned my wings. I did all my formal training in a Cessna 172SP with the G1000. Nice airplane, but now my flight school has taken a financial turn to the worst and is expecting to close the doors with really no avenue for a rental other than drive to out of the place locations.

I was in the market for purchasing a simple Cherokee to build time in anyway, but wanted to get the feel of the Piper community and prospective new pilots. I know the Piper community has a very loyal following and many have built hours in the cockpit of Pipers. What does the "average" annual cost you guys and gals? I'm trying to budget and have found lots of what appear to be decent Cherokee's in the $40K range. Insurance is reasonable enough and I think this would be a much cheaper route than say paying $160 and hour for rental!! In just a couple of hours a month, I pay for the airplane, insurance, storage, and hopefully budget enough for any squawk fixes... AND get to log time!

Thoughts and I'm really needing direction here guys.

Philip Abernathy

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