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fairing/prop repitch

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Active Member
Sep 2, 2010
Reaction score
getting ready to fly from az up west coast to victoria (stopping along the way) over to yellowstone and then home via rushmore and colorado... though still tennative.

I have wanted to add speed etc for a long time, but it seems if I am going to now is as good a time as any.

A couple of questions:
1.) has anyone tried robin (laminar flow)'s front fixed fairing? He says it is for a 6" front wheel (my 77 warrior has a 5" batman pant) but can be reshaped pretty easily with a heat gun... is it worth trying?
2.) looking at repitch... I can over-run redline @ cruise by quite a bit (even in excess of 12k feet in az). I believe I am at a stock 58" pitch. What theoretically can I expect from 60"? (gain in cruise/loss in climb though I'm working to combat drag simultaniously).

if I am gaining 2"@ 2650rpm does that yield a theoretical 5.019mph gain? obviously not exactly due to a coefficient of drag etc... otherwise my 58" prop would yield in excess of 146mph but is 4 knots a reasonable expectation? Or more over 2 knots per inch? Any math guru's out there? (Jim?)

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