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Dynamic Balancing New Prop. Wow!

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Well-Known Member
Jun 15, 2014
Reaction score
I installed a new 3 bladed scimitar hartzell prop on my Dakota. Just switching the original 2 bladed prop for the new 3 bladed one resulted in a reduction of vibration. Not that my plane had a vibration issue but the engine just felt smoother in the cockpit. Today I had the new prop dynamically balanced and WOW! Original reading was about .44 and after a couple of runs they got it down to .05 and once again a very noticeable reduction in vibration so I'm sold on dynamic balancing. I also installed prop guard on the new prop to keep it looking new. Very happy w/ the switch and every person who's seen it w/ the 3 bladed prop says it looks awesome. I agree! :p

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2015-03-23 13.06.46.jpg

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