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Door latch

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Well-Known Member
Mar 24, 2011
Reaction score
I'd like to hear some thoughts on my Arrow top door latch. This weekend I was up flying and when I got into the plane to return back home, the resistance in my top door latch is now completely gone, as in you can swing the latch with with your pinky and no effort. After reviewing what was happening, I determined it was in a safe condition for a return flight home since a) the actual pin in the top of the door works with the latch and b) the way the latch is designed, I figured the aerodynamics of high wind flow over the outside latch would prevent it from swinging down into the unlatched position.

So, really what I've determined is that the pin that is attached to top latch still works. The main door handle still works and locks. So the only difference as near as I can tell is that I cannot get the top of the door to "suck in" tight like it used to. In other words you can see a slight bit of sky when you look up whereas before you could not. Any thoughts as to what is going on? I have a long cross-country trip planned leaving on Thursday morning and my mechanic cannot take a look at it until Wednesday. I really hope it is just an adjustment that the mechanic needs to work on vs. a part needed since I have little time. Please let me know your thoughts!

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