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Do you fly with a SPOT? Are you covered?

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Last year I bought a SPOT tracking beacon to use exclusively in my aircraft. I bought the optional GEOS Search and Rescue Coverage which covers you for $100,000 in the event SAR is needed.

I am about to renew my SPOT membership, and was somewhat surprised to find out that this coverage excludes private aircraft!! See the GEOS website: www/geosalliance.com/sar for details.

It turns out that GEOS will authorize additional SAR resources without your knowledge or consent if you have activated the 911 feature and if they deem it necessary. If you don't have the insurance (or even if you do and are in an airplane) you may be held liable for SAR charges.

My question is: is there any point in purchasing this optional coverage? Has anyone else looked into this and have any advice?

Thanks in advance to the contributors to the forum.

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