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Do you fly over or underneath the layer???

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Staff member
Jan 4, 2011
Reaction score
On Saturday I was flying from San Diego to Riverside and to my supprise when I got close to the airport I realized that the marine layer was still there at 11:00 am in the morning so I decided to descent underneath the layer at 2000 feet. The conditions were definalety marginal VFR at that point and I had a little bit of a hard time finding the airport but the Tower helped me with a heading so no problem there.

The question though that I have is, should I in the future stay above the layer until I find the airport and then spiral down or was my desicion to go down to 2000 feet was the right one?? just have have in mind that the layer was not 100% solid so you could look down if above and perhaps spot the airport.

Any ideas?

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