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Conversation with Jeppesen on subscriptions

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Well-Known Member
Mar 24, 2011
Reaction score
Being an IFR pilot, I have been paying for the subscription for a full year even though I don't fly IFR in the winter. When it came up for renewal, I called up Jeppesen and said hold off on my subscription because I don't need current databases since I'm not flying IFR approaches.

I then thought to ask if they had a quarterly/semi-annual subscription plan that would fit my needs perfectly. The direct answer was no, but indirectly you could develop your own such plan to fit your needs. By that, he informed me that Jeppesen will charge you for the full year's subscription, however, you can cancel at any time and receive a prorated refund. Therefore, I can pick up my subscription in the spring and cancel in the fall, giving me a refund at that time and effectively giving me my semi-annual subscription.

Just thought I'd pass along for those who didn't know that and wanted to save a bit of money. Seemed foolish of me that I was wasting probably $35/month towards an annual subscription I wasn't even utilizing or updating my card in my Garmin 430w. On a related note - I do the same thing with my XM Weather service; don't cancel your subscription but you can suspend your service without having to pay the $75 activation fee again when you want to pick it back up in stormy season.

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