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Cherokee Interior Question

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Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2010
Reaction score
My airplane is almost back together after 8 long months. It is 1 1969 180D. I went to look at it yesterday. There is a bundle of wires that come out from under the rear seat and go into the side wall under the door. That bundle is exposed in that corner. I am looking on a parts list and cannot find a cover that goes over that area and the mechanic doesn't remember what it looked like when they pulled it apart. I am sure it wasn't like that before, but I never get in the back seat. I see it as a place where passengers could step on the bundle or trip on it getting out. Looking at the parts list and all of the exploded views I can find, I cannot find a cover or a molded anything that suppose to go there. The current thought in my mind is that the mechanic screwed up and that bundle should have been routed from under the seat to the outer wall then under the door frame and never into the cabin the way it is.

And yes I am posting this in several places. I want to give my mechanic a resolution to this issue by Monday if possible.

Thanks for all help.

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