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Cherokee 180 and deice spray

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New Member
Jan 27, 2013
Reaction score

I recently purchased a 1965 Cherokee 180 and this is my first winter owning it. I have installed an engine heater and make sure the heater has run for a day before flying. I try to keep the engine heater unplugged when I don't anticipate flying for a week or more to avoid buildup of moisture, as I've heard this can be a problem. The plane is kept in an astroport which offers overhead protection, but not completely protection on the sides. So snow and other weather does buildup during the days I do not fly.

The paint on the plane is in fairly good shape (2001), but not perfect. During the preflight yesterday I noticed some ice buildup from the past few days of sitting on the backside of the wings. Mostly on the flap and aileron. I was hesitant to use an icre scraper, thinking it might mess up the paint. Another pilot gave me a can of Pyroil Deicer. It worked really well. I was about to order it and figured I should have first about how it might affect the paint or airframe. I imagine it's mostly alcohol but have no idea about if I should be using this chemical to get rid of the ice. Any advice? I will note again that there was no visible precipitation when I was flying in the winter. The ice was on the plane from the previous days weather.


Thanks in advance!
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