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Century NSD-360A HSI Slaving and other questions

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1972 PA32-300
Aug 3, 2012
Reaction score
My PA32-300 has a Century NSD-360A HSI which has worked great for many years. We had it overhauled at least 10 years ago, so I know I'm likely on borrowed time. My AI failed recently. It was 19 years in service. I bought an overhauled AI, and had my mechanic replace the AI. To do that, he had to remove the HSI. When I flew for the first time yesterday, I noted that while the AI and HSI worked fine, the slaving on the HSI wasn't working. The HSI precessed 10-20 degrees every 15 minutes. When slaving is working, you obviously don't notice the precession. So, a few questions:
1. Where is the slaving connection to the HSI? My guess is some connector wasnt replaced during the R&R.
2. If the HSI is precessing this much, is that a sign of a failing gyro?
3. If I have to replace the HSI, should I simply go for an overhauled 360A (perhaps $2600) or replace it with one of the electronic models, like Sandel? My inclination is to overhaul given the good service and long life we've gotten from our 360A. Thanks, Randy

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