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Well-Known Member
Apr 8, 2010
Reaction score
Heading to canada. Stolen from various places, I'll keep editing this list till i get it right, I have kathies post from a few weeks back that I'll use also
Documents on board
- Canada Flight Supplement
- Calgary VFR Navigational Chart
- Edmonton VTA
- Passport
(Do Canadian VFR nav charts and vta's not expire? These things are dated early 2010)

- RR License
- Radio Station License For plane
- CBP sticker
- Insurance Information
- W&B Calculations
- Registration, Airworthiness Cert, POH etc.. (ARROW)

Going to Canada
File Flight plan
Request Exit Visa (eAPIS)

Returning to Montana
Flight plan
Request permission to visit my house (eAPIS)
Contact US Customs with my arrival information.
Land at filed AOE ( I suppose somebody will tell me what to do here?)

anything to add?

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