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Broken Arrow

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Sac Arrow

Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2010
Reaction score
Broken Sac Arrow that is. The Sac Arrow had a bad crash on his motorcycle over the weekend and just got out of the hospital. Basically, I entered a curve to hot, veered off the road and was ejected on to the pavement at about 75 mph. Landed on my right side, and flipped a few times. The bike tumbled across the opposite side of the road and destroyed itself on the opposite embankment. Fortunately I was wearing full gear and a full face helmet, so injuries were minimal. That said, I still ended up with a chunk out of the knee, a puncture wound to the side, some road rash where the protective gear was compromized and major blunt force tissue damage to the body. No broken bones.

I've been riding for almost 30 years, and this is the first major crash I've had. It was a wake up call. For those of you who ride, ride safe people. I normally do but I didn't last weekend and I paid the price. And fly safe too.

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