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530 comm oddity?

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Jan 25, 2013
Reaction score
So flying last night from NOLA -> Little Rock, I notice my 530W behaving a bit oddly. Every so often, the screen would flash white for a split second, then go back to normal. This continued every couple minutes for about 20 minutes, then went away. Didn't think much else of it, made sure my ipad was charged up and went on.

An hour later, I was passed off from one approach controller to the next, and suddenly lost communication ability on the 530 altogether. I could hear myself in my headset, but they weren't picking me up, and this wasn't an abnormally far distance, we're talking 25 miles from ~7k feet.

Used my backup comm until I got to LR approach and tried switching back, and noticed then that I wasn't hearing myself on the 530 anymore when trying to respond to them. Additionally, I noticed at one point when I tried to talk that with the PTT button depressed, I got a slow pulse from the xmit side of my audio panel (PS Engineering PMA7000). The manual I have from PS Engineering doesn't have any troubleshooting info, just basic 'pilot information' usage, so I don't know what that pulse means.

Any suggestions on where to start?

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