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Winter Oil Suggestions?

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Nov 8, 2015
Reaction score
I have a 1968 Cherokee 235 with an O-540 engine. I live in beautiful Denver Colorado (KAPA) and fly regularly throughout the year. Since I purchased the aircraft in 2013 I have ran Phillips XC 20w-50. Over the summer I was given a case of Aeroshell 100 W Plus and my mechanic though I should try it out as I'm constantly battling high oil temps in the summer. Much to my amazement the 100 W Plus was a marked improvement! (Oil temp seemed to be a bit cooler and pressure remained a little higher - also the engine 'burned' substantially less oil) In October of 2016 I changed the oil back to 20w-50 for the winter. Now, I'm due another change and I'd like to go back to a Aeroshell product because it just seemed to work better in my engine. Of course, this time of year with low OAT the oil temp issue is null, but my engine is still using oil at a higher rate with the multi viscosity oil. So, all of this to ask if anyone had an opinion about using the Aeroshell 80 W Plus for winter operations? The aircraft is kept in an outdoor hanger and I preheat with a propane heater. Thanks for your thoughts on the subject!

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