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Well-Known Member
Apr 8, 2010
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Glad we didn't let the 9/11 attacks change our way of life. :roll:

I don't know how true it is, but its a believable story anyway. I'm sure we'll hear more.

http://shebshi.wordpress.com/2011/09/12 ... n-detroit/

Here is the AP version.

Police temporarily detained and questioned three passengers at Detroit's Metropolitan Airport on Sunday after the crew of the Frontier Airlines flight from Denver reported suspicious activity on board, and NORAD sent two F-16 jets to shadow the flight until it landed safely, airline and federal officials said.

The three passengers who were taken off the plane in handcuffs were released Sunday night, and no charges were filed against them, airport spokesman Scott Wintner said.

Frontier Flight 623, with 116 passengers on board, landed without incident in Detroit at 3:30 p.m. EDT after the crew reported that two people were spending "an extraordinarily long time" in a bathroom, Frontier spokesman Peter Kowalchuck said.

FBI Detroit spokeswoman Sandra Berchtold said ultimately authorities determined there was no real threat.

"Due to the anniversary of Sept. 11, all precautions were taken, and any slight inconsistency was taken seriously," Berchtold said. "The public would rather us err on the side of caution than not."

Well, I guess I'm not "the public" Mrs. Berchtold. Because, I'd rather you not.

So let me get this straight, we send fighter jets after our own innocent citizens these days.... Who are we fighting again?

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