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What mods do you want for your Piper and what's important!

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New Member
Apr 28, 2010
Reaction score
Hello Everyone!

At LoPresti we're trying to provide for the needs of our Piper customers by asking a few targeted questions and initiating a discussion. You may already know that for the Cirrus community we provide products designed to deliver more speed, efficiency and safety. Most of these products are driven by customer requests. This seems like a good model to us and we want to see if it can be just as successful in the Piper community.

SO... here are three questions to get the discussion started..

1. Rate product improvements in order of importance (1 most - 5 least)

2. Rate services in order of importance (1 most - 5 least)
High quality service
Availability of parts
Cost of replacement parts
Availability of new technologies
Cost of maintenance

3. If your budget allowed, what are the first two expenditures you would make for your aircraft?

a. _________________________________________________________________

b. _________________________________________________________________

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