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Staff member
Apr 12, 2010
Reaction score
OK MEI's, multi engine pilots, and multi engine students, I would like to initiate a discussion that involves a limitation on the airspeed indicator of a light twin depicted as the lower red radial Vmc. Casual hangar conversation yesterday yielded opinions from a handful of individuals on both ends of the spectrum. I never realized this topic could be as debatable as it was.

If you care to quote, discuss, debate, or prove in your own words, various aspects of the definition of Vmc, how it is derived, and what occurs when any of the defined parameters are altered please contribute to the thread. There may be disagreement on various aspects and there may not. We will see where it leads. Contribute anything and everything.

I will start with the over simplfied definition of Vmc from FAR part one:

"Vmc" means minimum control speed with the critical engine inoperative.

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